This game was refreshing, I enjoyed the whole gimmick of using damaging floors and nice voice acting and animation etc. What I loved most was the story, seeming a bit lame and normal to begin with until the dragon began to speak of being murdered by him etc. and from what point on I grew interested in the story knowing what it was going to be about. The mentality of the King as he began to discover what he had done with each castle was perhaps the best part of this, knowing that he actually took in what the others were saying as the chases went on. It was worth continuing the game no matter how many times I died (which became a lot on the final chase) mainly to see what the next lines of dialogue would be, which is a good sign of making a captivating story.
In the end this game was brilliant, but the final chase was a bit too hard needing you to get as many platforms as possible on the way up while avoiding the hands etc. Also the ending song was brilliantly used for this to fit the rest of the game.