That was a good quiz.
It had everything I would want from a quiz, and it's mini games added a slight bitmore to it. I overall enjoyed the questions, as instead of simply knowledge of zombie films get one wrong and you start again style, I liked how they all added together to fit you into all the wide categories at the end.
I was 62% overall and a leader, and more of a modern day zombie. I was also that cool Ben guy from the original night of the living dead, that was nice, also I was the classic dawn of the dead black person (forgot the name) for my survival skills, and I was somehow Alice when it came to my skill in fighting, and I answed truthfully, that was surprsing.
I liked how the questions also tested what I thought in the ways of, what movement I would believe zombies would do, this was a very good quiz, I especially liked how it actually asked questions and stated on being a zombie rather than just fighting them.
One of the best quizes I have played, and it got me thinking, very good.