A very fun game of this type, I greatly enjoyed the upgrade system especially the bonus things to hit like the sauces. My main gripe though is the way the game becomes impossible to lose when fully upgraded, I actually continued the endless mode thing after winning for 2 hours to see whether or not the score reset or maxed out at 99,999 money gained from the run, sadly it just continued counting which was kind of lame though since it didn't look like it had space to continue.
A very fun game, but a game of this type should never become impossible to lose without having either exceptional bad luck or forcing it yourself tbh, I was literally going afk tabbing out while it was playing itself at that point. But alas since that did come AFTER the game clearly said "GAME OVER" it isn't too bad.
I would suggest either lowering the amount of things to use for gaining height later on (the camp fires and tents were removed but they didn't effect it much) or begin taking out some of the extra things like the sauces after a long distance has passed to kind of force a game over eventually.
But yes, other than the impossible to lose aspect at the end. The game was a really great and amusing time spent, the humour value was high also to begin with, over all enjoyable and would play again.